Cold-Harty Plants Just Right for Your Yard

Everyone wishes they could move in the springtime, just the right time of year to plant a lush yard that will keep giving all year long. But what if your big move is planned in the dead of winter, or you simply need a landscaping overhaul? There are plenty of winter-hardy plants on the market to plant now and forget about. Whether you live in the frigid Northeast or as far south as Florida, these lawn choices will make it through the winter.

Crocuses: Usually the first flowers to poke through the soil come spring, crocuses are a favorite of Northern residents. Soon after flowering the crocus dies, readying itself for the next season’s frost.

Roses: Ever wonder why roses love the chilly, wet English countryside? They don’t need much sun and though their blooms won’t typically survive more than a mild frost they’ll keep blooming year after year no matter how cold it gets.

Tiger Lilies: The hardiest of cold-hardy flowers. Tiger Lilies spread like weeds as their bulbs multiply underground and they don’t need much TLC at all to thrive.

Peonies: Peonies are about as low-maintenance as yard plants get and they’re some of the most beautiful, colorful flowers available. It’s best to take them inside (perhaps into the garage) if planted in moveable containers but they’ll do just as well tarped over on the coldest days of winter.

Apples: Apple trees take years to mature but it’s possible to buy fully-formed, nearly flowering versions of this classic beauty. You’d be hard pressed to find an apple tree that wouldn’t survive your yard’s climate – they grow all the way through the Canadian tundra.

Boxwoods: If what you’re looking for is coverage, boxwoods are the way to go. They require consistent pruning and can be a bit unwieldy but if you take the time to cover them during a particularly cold snap they’ll prove one of the toughest plants in your yard.

No matter which cold hardy plants you choose, always do your best to protect them from frost using a plastic tarp or burlap. It’s important to keep up your lawn care routine in winter, too, as pests and weeds don’t hibernate come cold weather. The plants listed above will make it through winter but the less damage the cold is allowed to do to root systems and outward leaves, the better results you’ll have come spring.