Want a greener lawn? Fertilizer may be key

Every American wants the greenest lawn on the block, but some homeowners just can’t figure out why their grass isn’t as vibrant as the turf in their neighbor’ lawn. If you’ve been searching for a way to make your lawn greener there are many things you can try, but chances are that lawn fertilizer is all you need.

Selecting a lawn fertilizer

Fertilization adds nutrients to your lawn, resulting in a healthier and greener lawn than ever before. There are many types of fertilizer that can be added to your lawn, some of which work better than others. There is a lot to consider when selecting a fertilizer.

The first decision that most homeowners make is whether they’d like to use liquid or solid fertilizer in their lawn. Solid fertilizers are a bit more customizable, and normally offer a ‘slow-release’ treatment for your lawn. Liquid fertilizers work much faster, and your lawn should be noticeably greener in just a few days after application. Unfortunately, these results may fade almost as quickly as they appear. Liquid products are also significantly easier to apply, and many liquid fertilizers feature pesticides that are built in to the formula. This eliminates additional work in the long run, but sometimes it can result in pesticides being spread to unnecessary areas.

Some of the most commonly used types of lawn fertilizer include:

  • Manure – Manure is the most common choice for fertilizer in American homes. Cows, chickens, pigs, and horses are some of the most common sources of the manure that is used in lawns across the country.

  • Blood meal – Blood meal is a very beneficial fertilizer for gardens. This fertilizer serves as a great source of nitrogen for soil, which is essential for crop growth. This fertilizer can even keep deer and other animals away from your lawn.

  • Bone meal – Bone meal is an easy way to add phosphorus to the soil of your lawn or garden. Bone meal is mostly used for when planting ornamentals, especially bulbs and roses.

  • Fish emulsion – Leftover fish products from commercial factories can be a great way to enrich the nitrogen levels of your soil. Just a small amount of this product can go a long way. Many homeowners avoid this product due to the smell, but this fades completely within 24 hours.

  • Organic Fertilizers – When you select an organic fertilizer you’re choosing a product that can be used on any type of plant. Organic fertilizers come in both slow-release and quick-release formulas.

Adding fertilizer to your lawn

There are many ways to apply lawn fertilizer, the easiest of which involve using a commercial spreading tool. Like many tools used in lawn care, this tool can be rented for a small daily cost. Once you have this tool you fill it with fertilizer and then begin the process of spreading it throughout your lawn. Consider the following tips if using a solid fertilizer:

  • Begin by spreading fertilizer along the edges of your lawn.

  • Once the border is done, begin filling in the rest of your lawn. This should be done in a similar fashion to cutting grass, once you reach the end of a row turn the spreader around and complete another row while walking in the opposite direction.

  • Slightly overlap the rows in order to avoid missing spots

Once you’ve finished distributing the fertilizer throughout your yard it is important that you water your lawn. This holds the fertilizer in place and ensures that your soil receives the most possible benefits from the fertilization process.

Liquid fertilizers require a very similar application. Instead of using a spreader, spray the fertilizer in the same way: Starting at the border and then spray in rows of alternating directions. Always follow directions closely when applying liquid fertilizers. If using a product that contains pesticides research the chemicals to ensure that they are safe for all of the plants found in your yard.

The green lawn of your dreams is within your reach, all that’s required is a little bit of time to apply the proper lawn treatments. And ideally, fertilizer should be part of your regular lawn care regimen, not a one-off application. If you don’t have time to fertilize your lawn you may want to consider seeking out the help of a lawn care professional, they will be able to tell you exactly the type of treatment that will be best for your yard and apply it in the proper way.